Blog post on how communication goes bad (on my KopywritingKourse blog):
Archives for July 2014
A Conversation With Elon Musk – YouTube
Big Think Interview With Peter Thiel – YouTube
Roots of this blog
I started NevBlog for one reason:
To track my finances.
In 2004 there were limited ways to do this, so the chronological order of a blog made the most sense.
So NevBlog was born. You can see it here in all it’s glory thanks to the WaybackMachine!
Through the magic of the internets, people somehow would stumble upon my blog and read it. The blog was a side-project for fun and documentation.
Somewhere along the way business somehow got mixed up with it. Which is fine, but moves the blog away from it’s roots.
I think in the next year I’ll be switching that up. I’ve started posting kopywriting stuff on a different blog now:
It’s still in the infant stages and will be changing a lot. But it’ll be nice to separate this stuff from NevBlog stuff.
And I REAAALLLYYYY miss that little column on the original NevBlog where’d I’d track all my finances. THAT was cool :-)
Krappy Kopy: Spammy edition! :: Kopywriting Kourse
Keeping memories alive
Back when I started this blog in 2004 there was really one main digital repository for posting your stuff. A BLOG.
Starting in 2004 I made a free blog on and started documenting parts of my life so I could remember them easily (otherwise I’m quite forgetful). In the case of this blog, I was attempting to document my financial life. Hence, Neville’s Financial Blog was born.
Well in that 10 year span there’s been MULTIPLE forms of “life documenting” platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, are good examples that’ve taken off.
You post stuff to these services, and they let everyone else know what you’re doing. Neat!
HOWEVER……In those last two years I’ve noticed some personal disappointment with the rise of these platforms, in the sense that I now take much less effort to document my experiences, therefore the experiences are not documented and preserved very well.
Imagine if your history books documented history purely through something like a Facebook or Twitter feed. It would probably be a less-complete view of what’s really going on in your life.
The primary modus for “looking at someone’s past” on Facebook involves scanning through their pictures. There’s several things going on here:
- Not all the pictures on your Facebook Feed are yours, but some are from other people.
- Just because a photo is awesome, doesn’t mean you had an awesome time.
- The documentation is heavily skewed towards fun social events.
Now Facebook and others have shown that people LOVE posting pictures and keeping their past history alive. In this way a Facebook Newsfeed is essentially a type of blog feed, but it’s WAY easier to create content for….. Just post a photo or updates, people comment, create interaction….now you have “content”! Easy!
Checkout this photo of my family (and surrogate family) on a house boating trip together in Utah in May 2014. This was a picture posted to Facebook sometime during the trip:
“Epic weekend houseboating with the crew!”
Lots of people liked it.
Lots of people commented on it.
Lots of people were informed that eight of us had a baller-ass time on Lake Powell.
Simply looking at this ONE picture will forever remind me of that trip.
By the time we got back home from the trip, there were already several pictures posted online of the trip by various family members, so I became FAR LESS willing to take time to document the trip in the form of a more comprehensive blog post.
But it hardly describes the entire experience.
For that, I would have to write a whole post.
For that, I would have to upload more pictures to an album.
For that, I would have to edit pictures / write text / edit video / upload somewhere.
Uploading that photo and posting a caption to Facebook took less than 30 seconds. Making a full blog post about the experience may take upwards of 2+ hours at minimum.
Essentially it’s a much larger pain in the ass to document the experience in a more complete way.
That trip was a treasured experience of mine. The stuff that makes life good. And it all gets flushed down the toilet in a few months since my memories of that trip will slowly start to fade with time.
I will always have the pictures, but with a complete blog post about the experience, my memories are retained MUCH better.
For example, when I did my homeless experiment, I could simply post one picture of myself and recall that I did that experiment. Here’s me when I got back home after 5 days of pretending to be homeless:
That photo personally reminds me that I DID the experiment, but it doesn’t remind me of how I felt, the boredom I tried to combat, the people I met (which I couldn’t take pictures of), the mini-experiments I tried, the prejudices I had, the problems I saw.
All of that took time to document…..but now that’s all preserved forever, because I took the time & effort to document it:
Another example is when I *ahem* supposedly *ahem* went to Cuba for my 30th birthday. I can see this picture on Facebook and be reminded of it:
But I did a better job with documenting the whole thing also. I made a blog post where you could see a lot of pictures and read about the experience, and even compiled a video:
I also created a whole Facebook album with the pictures, and captioned each picture. I remember all of this documentation taking A LOT OF TIME.
But in the end I’ll forever remember that experience in a much more complete way, which is valuable to me.
Now I actually did a decent job of documenting the Cuba trip on Facebook. There’s an album somewhere called “My 30th Birthday In A Country You’re Not Supposed To Talk About” (or something like that). I sifted through everyone’s different photos, curated which ones made it to the album, and added captions to every picture. I even uploaded the video compilation I made.
But here’s my biggest fear about that, and one of the reasons I don’t put that much time into it anymore:
MANY-A-PLATFORM have come and gone:
…….these were all life-documenting platforms that people spent a lot of time curating their memories on, yet they went away. And along with their demise went your hard work documenting.
However if you keep all these memories on your own platform, over time you’d have quite an impressive collection. THIS my friends, is why I keep this personal blog.
The satisfaction is for no one else but myself, though sharing it adds to that satisfaction. But basically the point of all of this is:
Document your experiences better now, and it will pay off for you later :-)
Neville Medhora